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OAAAQA Board Members
Fifth OAAAQA Board
Prof Sulaiman bin Mohammed<br> Al Balushi
Current OAAAQA Board
Sixth OAAAQA Board
Fifth OAAAQA Board
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Second OAAAQA Board
First OAAAQA board (Founding Board)
HE Dr Abdullah Mohammed Al Sarmi
HE Dr Rahma bint Ibrahim Al Mahrooqi
HE Dr Rahma bint Ibrahim Al Mahrooqi
HE Dr Rahma bint Ibrahim Al Mahrooqi
HE Dr Rahma bint Ibrahim Al Mahrooqi
Current OAAAQA Board Member
Prof Sulaiman bin Mohammed
Al Balushi
Prof. Sulaiman Al-Balushi Dean of the College of Education and Professor of science education at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) in Oman. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Gulf College in Muscat and a member of different journal advisory boards. He was awarded the Abdul Hameed Shoman Award for Arab Researchers 2019. He has been also awarded different national and international awards in university teaching, research and reviewing research. Professor Al-Balushi contributed largely in leading the SQU College of Education to attain the international academic accreditation by NCATE in the USA in 2016. He got his doctoral degree from the University of Iowa in the USA. He has published several research papers in local, regional and international refereed academic journals. He has been serving as principal investigator for different research grants. He also co-authored different books, textbooks, training books and book chapters. Professor Al-Balushi has participated in several international conferences around the globe. He was the Oman’s Representative/Delegate of Social and Humanity Sciences Committee Session in the 39th Session of the General Conference of UNESCO, Paris. His research interests focus on teacher preparation and training, science learners’ cognitive abilities, and the utilization of technology in teaching and research. He has reviewed different research manuscripts, book chapters, grant proposals and promotion applications.
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