Using this Page
HEI Accreditation Outcome
This page provides you with information about the Accreditation Outcome and ratings against the standards and criteria for a specific institution. Select the institution from the drop down list (this will show you all the HEIs that have been through Institutional Standards Assessment).
Compare HEI Accreditation Outcomes
This page allows you to compare the Accreditation Outcome and ratings against the standards and criteria for all the HEIs that have been through Institutional Standards Assessment. You need to select two or more institutions to compare. You can also choose the basis for comparing the institutions selected whether: Accreditation Outcome and all ratings; the Accreditation Outcome only; the standards ratings; or the criteria ratings. If you click ‘Compare’, you will see the results of Institutional Standard Assessments side by side in a table and also represented in graphic form below. Click where indicated for a full view of the screen.
Compare HEIs based on your priorities
This page allows you to compare HEIs based on the standards and the criteria that you are most interested in. You can move the slider for each standard from 1 – 10, indicating your level of interest (1 means low interest and 10 means high interest). If you click on the down arrow next to each standard, a drop down list with all the criteria related to that standard will appear. There is a slider for each criterion from 1 – 10 which you can move to indicate your level of interest. Once you have indicated your priorities, click ‘Compare’ and a graph will appear showing how HEIs compare based on your priorities. Information under the graph states which standards and/or criteria are not applicable to each HEI.